How to do I navigate this service portal?
First time here logging in:
- Start with the Pre Start Audit Form.
- Once this has been approved by yourself, then you are ready to start uploading content.
- You only have to do the Pre Start Audit once, unless you're social media accounts change.
Note: If you upload content before your Pre Start Audit is complete, the content won't be posted until the Pre Start Audit has been approved.
Returning Client:
- Go straight to Phase 1 and upload your content.
What is the process?
Pre Start Audit:
- You complete the form,
- Our team gets notified,
- One of our team will conduct the audit, you will be notified as it progresses.
- When it's ready for your review/approval you'll be notified to log back into here to approve via Phase 0 - Step 2.
- Once approved you're ready to upload content.
Content Upload:
- You'll upload your pre-written content for scheduling/posting.
- You'll be notified when a team member has scheduled/posted your content.